On Hurting My Back

Last weekend, I did something I have not done in a long time: I hoisted my daughter up onto my shoulders while we were walking through Hampstead Heath. My daughter loved it; she was laughing, bouncing up and down, and really enjoying the view. But I quickly realized why I had not done this in quite some time. My daughter, who is four-and-a-half years old, is just a little bit too big for this kind of thing. And I, at 44, am getting just a little bit too old. It was a big mistake.

The next day, I had a very sore neck and back and am still mostly in pretty excruciating pain. I feel like a whiplash victim without the neck brace: I can barely turn my head without spasms of muscle pain shooting through my left shoulder. The simplest movements—like bending down to tie my shoes or getting in and out of a car—become extremely slow and painful. When I walk, I must look like a Cyberman escaped from the Doctor Who set: carefully erect and totally rigid, I hardly move my head at all. When I turn to look at something, I swivel from the hips so my entire upper body pivots rather than just my neck and head. I am, truly, a pathetic sight.

The experience has given me a scary glimpse into how it must feel to be old, and an even scarier insight into how it must feel to require help in performing the most trivial tasks of daily life. Pain concentrates the mind wonderfully, but only on the things made evident by the pain itself. For example, I never knew how many back muscles are involved in a simple sneeze until I sneezed this morning and ended up writhing in pain on the floor as the left side of my spine seized up. Motions that we normally perform unconsciously—like turning a key in a lock or looking down at the keyboard to type this sentence—are vividly highlighted because they hurt. Who knew such intricate interconnections, such a fine mesh of musculature was behind all these things that I take for granted.

Needless to say, I won’t be hoisting my daughter onto my shoulders again anytime soon. We’re both beyond that now. Sad but true. Hopefully, I’ll still be able to give her piggy-back rides, though, for a little while longer at least. Those are less traumatic from a back pain point of view. After all, she ain’t heavy; she’s my daughter… Theodore Roosevelt advised:

Pray not for lighter burdens but for stronger backs.

Roosevelt had the constitution of an ox. He was shot once while delivering a campaign speech; he finished the speech, the bullet still lodged in his chest. As for me, I’d rather have lighter burdens and a stronger back.

On Sliding Boards

I recently visited an office building that had a sliding board in it. The sliding board, a 29-foot-long strip of white fiberglass that connects the third and fourth floors, is one of those architectural flourishes meant to signify the vivacity and effervescence of a brand. Of course, I wanted to slide down it. But first I had to read the Slide Rules, which basically state that you must use the stairs if you are pregnant, wearing high heels, or under the influence of alcohol. None of these conditions applied to me, so I climbed onto the slide, which is narrow and tubular enough to feel like a miniature Olympic luge course. After a little push, I was off, landing a few seconds later in the marketing department with a pleasant little adrenalin rush.

It’s been along time since I’ve been down a sliding board, and I had forgotten that titillating, vaguely queasy feeling you get in your stomach on the way down. I should have remembered it, though, because my four-and-half-year-old daughter is still very much into slides, calling the sensation caused by the descent a “tickle tummy.” Whenever we’re out in the car, I’m always on the lookout for little humps in the road that could produce the right conditions for the tickle-tummy effect. Country roads are best for this since they are often undulating, especially when the road fords a small stream by means of a little bridge. If I spot a promising hump from far enough away, I accelerate on the approach so we get the little lift-off at the top that generates the desired sensation. It’s a nice, though slightly uncomfortable feeling, a tingling premonition of impending excitement—or danger. As Dutch columnist Toon Verhoeven put it:

Better one butterfly in your stomach than ten in the air.

Aphorisms by Irena Karafilly

Irena Karafilly is an author, journalist, and occasional university lecturer who lives in Montreal. Born in the Russian Urals, Karafilly has won Canada’s National Magazine Award (Gold) for Fiction as well as other literary prizes. She holds an M.A. in English from McGill University and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia. She is the author of three books and of numerous short stories. Her most recent book, The Stranger in the Plumed Hat, is a memoir of caring for her mother with Alzheimer’s disease. Karafilly is also an aphorist, and a small sample of her aphorisms follows. More of her aphorisms can be found by clicking here.

The really amazing thing about history is not that it so often repeats itself, but that it fails to bore us.

Falling in love is like falling anywhere. You pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and keep on walking, hoping no one saw you.

The only power you have over people is the ability to do without them.

If human beings were born with a conscience, God would be out of a job.

Eating an artichoke requires a certain amount of optimism.

On Getting My Shoes Shined

Speaking of thrones and arses, I had my shoes shined recently. I was in the SF airport. Had to climb up two or three very steep steps to get to what looked and felt uncomfortably like an electric chair. Had a magnificent view from up there, watching the tops of people’s heads as they rushed to or from flights. I felt a little uneasy at such an elevation. Having your shoes shined is one of those experiences that, for me at least, still has overtones of class division and racism; you’re literally putting yourself above your fellow man. Not many social encounters around anymore in which that happens so explicitly.

The man who shined my shoes was a real professional. He applied several different kinds of polish. He used a toothbrush to reach the deep crevasse where the leather of the shoe meets the sole. Then he took two brushes, one in each hand, and start flailing away at my shoe. His arms were swishing back and forth like a windmill, but his aim was true so that the tips of the brushes just skimmed the surface of my shoe. Then he took a cloth and draped it over the shoes and swished that back and forth, sort of like the way you dry your back with a towel by holding it at each end and pulling it back and forth across your skin. After that, he applied a different kind of polish, this one more liquid than the previous paste, and buffed the whole thing up. By the time he finished, my shoes were so bright that I could have read by them at night.

My shoes looked good as new, better than new even, or actually, too good to be true. They were too bright, too shiny. The rest of my apparel couldn’t match the effusiveness of my shoes. I felt like a walking advertisement for the Diderot effect. Remembered Henry David Thoreau’s admonition:

Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes.

On Taking the Sausalito Ferry to San Francisco

In primary school, my favorite scientific experiment was the one in which we were asked to fill a glass of water at home, sprinkle a hefty helping of salt into it, place an ordinary piece of string in the mixture, then leave it overnight. Once all the water evaporated, you were left with a clutch of salt crystals clinging to the string at all kinds of improbable angles. That’s what San Francisco looks like from the pier of the Sausalito ferry: a jumble of white buildings clustered around the thinnest of peninsulas. The prominence of Coit Tower and the TransAmerica building with its sharp pinnacle gives to the whole an oddly crystalline appearance.

San Francisco is unusual, and unusually beautiful, because there are so many vantage points within it from which to see the whole city in panorama. The pier of the Sausalito ferry is just one. The Golden Gate Bridge is another. And Tank Hill is still another, one I had never experienced before despite having lived not far from it for several years. The view from Tank Hill is simply amazing. It’s also amazing that it’s a natural feature. If you’re actually in a city, most aerial views of that city are provided from the tops of tall buildings. In San Francisco, the geography itself is always offering fresh, lofty perspectives. Wherever you are—Nob Hill, the Haight-Ashbury, the Mission—you can find some grassy knoll from which to view the city at a distance while still being right in the middle of it. You get the long view and up close and personal simultaneously. Higher planes, elevated states are always within easy walking distance. You can lift your head into wide open spaces—so high and so wide open that it’s dizzying—while keeping your feet firmly on the ground. Kind of reminds me of Michel de Montaigne’s bracing observation:

Upon the highest throne in the world, we are seated, still, upon our arses.

On Seeing Parrots on Hampstead Heath

The London winter sun is so slow and sleepy these days. It barely creeps out of bed by 9:30, casting a half-hearted greyness across the rooftops. It can hardly stay awake til 4:00 in the afternoon, when it sinks back exhausted into its bed of clouds the color of minor bruises. When it does manage to open its eye a crack, though, it’s quite a show, igniting the sodden hillsides of Hampstead Heath with a deep, fulgent glow. Everything seems to burn intensely for a moment, like a black-and-white film that suddenly bursts into color, before the sun winks out again and the park and its perambulators return to the old chromatic monotone.

I was walking through the Heath the other day with my son and his friend when my son’s friend mentioned that he and his family had seen parrots here. Parrots? That’s not possible, I thought. There are no parrots on Hampstead Heath. “Are you sure?” I asked. He was sure, but I still didn’t believe him, thinking he must have mistaken some other birds for parrots. Then, a few minutes later, and a few hundred meters further down the Heath, my son shouted: “There they are, Dad!” I looked up and sure enough, there in the branches above my head were two bright green parrots. “Wow,” I said, “I never knew there were parrots on Hampstead Heath.”

As incongruous as it seems, there are indeed parrots on Hampstead Heath. In fact, they’ve been spotted in parks and gardens all across London. There are some great explanations for their presence here, too. One theory goes that the parrot population is descended from birds that escaped from the set of The African Queen, which was apparently filmed in studios outside London. Another hypothesis is that the birds are the progeny of Jimi Hendrix’s parrots, which are supposed to have flown the coop after the singer’s death in London. So far, no one has suggested that the famous Monty Python “parrot sketch” has anything to do with the phenomenon. Whatever the truth, it’s pretty startling to see such birds in London, hardly even a close approximation of their native habitat. I had a good long look at the birds, musing that their appearance here was a pedestrian example of the ‘uncanny’, and continued the walk with my son and his friend.

Finding something ‘uncanny’ always involves a mix of the strange and the familiar: something quite ordinary is sharply transformed into something exotic, bizarre or spooky. The presence of two parrots transforms Hampstead Heath into a rain forest; or the parrots themselves are transformed into numinous messengers from another world. Sigmund Freud wrote a fascinating essay on the uncanny, saying the experience “derives its terror not from something externally alien or unknown but—on the contrary—from something strangely familiar which defeats our efforts to separate ourselves from it.”

The uncanny is not necessarily always terrifying, but it is always unsettling. Some of my own experiences of the uncanny were certainly like that. Once, at a train station, I watched a collapsed wheelchair go up an escalator all by itself. There was no one in the wheelchair or even near it, so I had no idea how it got on the escalator in the first place; a very weird sight. Also, one evening when I was coming home from work, I turned a corner and saw that a street near my house was completely flooded from a burst water main. The whole street was transformed into a briskly flowing river, everywhere about an ankle deep. Very strange and scary to see a street transformed from one sort of thoroughfare to another, and frightening to see the force with which the water swept down the street.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe has an aphorism about rainbows—an uncanny experience that is inspiring rather than terrifying—that gets at the simultaneous attraction and repulsion we feel toward the out-of-the-ordinary:

When a rainbow has lasted as long as a quarter of an hour we stop looking at it.

We all marvel, or tremble, at the uncanny, but it makes us bored or uncomfortable if it goes on too long. Rainbows are gorgeous, exciting things, but their fame (like our own) is limited to about 15 minutes. Those parrots piqued my curiosity, but shortly thereafter I continued my walk, eager to get home. The uncanny has an extremely short half life. That’s no bad thing, I think. Intense experience are, by definition, brief—and are all the more intense for being so. Earthquakes are also uncanny. I was in quite a few when I lived in San Francisco. The earth moved for only a few seconds, but I was left permanently rattled.

In Praise of Roy Wood

Who is Roy Wood? I thought you’d never ask… Roy Wood was the main songwriter-singer for the 1960s group The Move, co-founder of the Electric Light Orchestra and the resident eccentric hit-maker for the 1970s band Wizzard. He is a multi-instrumentalist. On one of his solo albums, Boulders, he was literally a one man band: he played every single instrument on the record; for instruments on which he was not proficient, he recorded each note separately and then assembled the track in the studio. He even plays the bagpipes. He is the neglected genius of British pop music, a whipper-upper of pop confections every bit as delicious as those of Lennon and McCartney. His melodies enter your brain and melt immediately into your amygdala, where they generate all kinds of lovely, lively sensations. And I finally got to see him in concert, just before Christmas, something that I have wanted to do for nigh on a decade now.

Wood looks a lot like he did in the 1970s. Then, he was a scruffy Ziggy Stardust, with a scraggly beard, hair (which was colored a variety of scalding hues) down to his ass, rose-tinted spectacles of the kind John Lennon was wont to wear, and strange, vaguely totemic make-up scrawled all over his face. Today, he hasn’t cut his hair (and no longer wears make-up) but his dress sense has calmed down a bit: black pants and a black shirt over a long black tailcoat. He’s still got the glasses, too, which kind of makes him look like a portly, avuncular Charles Manson.

I first got into The Move, and hence Roy Wood, in the early 1970s, after becoming deeply enamored of the first few albums by the Electric Light Orchestra. In the 1960s, The Move was almost as popular as the Beatles, at least in England. They were notorious for their live shows, during which various household appliances (as well as, in one case, an entire automobile) were violently dismantled. The Wood songs from the ’60s are still vibrant and catchy today, some of the finest pop songs ever written: I Can Hear the Grass Grow, Wave Your Flag and Stop the Train, Flowers in the Rain, Fire Brigade and Blackberry Way. Wood is not an aphorist-lyricist, but comes close with these lines from one of my favorite songs, Useless Information:

Turn your ears to the weatherman
Saying it will be colder in December
Get your boots and your astro-cam [?]
It’s been the same for years, so why remember?

In concert, Wood plays guitar (and bagpipes!) and is backed up by a resplendent four-piece horn section, a vivid, soulful female back-up singer, a bouncing bassist and a drummer of whom one is never sure whether he’s throwing a tantrum or simply playing his instrument. Wood is these days best remembered for a 1970s seasonal hit, I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day. It’s a good song, but doesn’t seem to me worthy of the veneration the English have bestowed on it, certainly not at the expense of classics like See My Baby Jive, in which Wood manages to encompass and incorporate almost every sound in popular music history since 1940, from the Andrew Sisters through Elvis and on to Frank Zappa. The audience, mostly people who looked to be in their fifties and perhaps even early sixties, Wood’s contemporaries, got into the festive spirit by donning tinsel wigs and wearing fake antlers with Christmas tree lights on them. Christmas really brings out the kitsch in the English, don’t it?

Anyway, Wood was fantastic in concert. He bantered around with the audience between every number, and put on a stunning display of musicianship. I used to listen to my Move records as a teenager, with the headphones on as I fell asleep at night. When he played the opening chords of Blackberry Way, a fixture of my teenage listening, I actually gasped. Wood doesn’t have a very high profile anymore. His insistence on sticking with his unique brand of classical- and jazz-inflected rock, with roots in 1950s bubble gum music, isn’t very commercial these days. If you ask me, though, Roy Wood is one of the greatest pop songwriters—ever. Move over Franz Ferdinand and Kaiser Chiefs; make room for Roy Wood!

In Highgate Cemetery

Yesterday, on New Year’s Eve day, my sons and I visited Highgate Cemetery. What better way to ring out the old than a stroll through this gorgeous, Gothic graveyard? We went to the western cemetery, which is available for tours by appointment only. (The eastern cemetery, just across the road, can be visited without a guide.) I had wanted to visit the cemetery for years, but every time I turned up it was either closed, I was too early or too late for the next tour or, if I was on time, I was with my daughter, who is too young to be allowed in (because of the slippery terrain). This time, though, I was in luck. And the weather way perfect: cold, grey and damp.

Highgate Cemetery was opened in 1839 in response to a lack of burial spaces in London proper. At that time, Highgate was a sleepy little village in the countryside just outside London. Now, it’s a 20-minute Tube journey from the center of the city. Need for cemetery space was so acute that the Cemetery opened another section, the eastern part, in 1854. Coincidentally, Highgate Cemetery was designed by an architect named Stephen Geary, who is buried there.

The Cemetery is situated on a hillside overlooking London, at the foot of St. Michael’s Church, where the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge is buried. (Coleridge was a great fan of aphorisms, by the way. “Exclusively of the abstract sciences, the largest and worthiest portion of our knowledge consists of aphorisms, and the greatest and best of men is but an aphorist,” he wrote. “Truths, of all others the most awful and interesting, are too often considered as so true that they lose all the power of truth, and lie bed–ridden in the dormitory of the soul, side by side with the most despised and exploded errors. There is one way of giving freshness and importance to the most commonplace maxims—that of reflecting on them in direct reference to our own state and conduct, to our own past and future being.”) When the Cemetery first opened, the hillside was bare and the graves sparse. Today, it is densely overgrown with trees and shrubbery, a haven for birds and small mammals. And graves are crowded into every available space. The most recent interment is that of Alexander Litvinenko, the Russian recently poisoned with polonium-210. Other notable graves include those of Karl Marx and novelist George Eliot (in the eastern part) and Charles Cruft, founder of the Crufts dog shows, and Jacob Bronowski, scientist and author of The Ascent of Man (in the western part).

Until the early 1980s, the Cemetery was in a state of extreme dilapidation and decay. It was a favorite target of vandals and vampire hunters, and in the 1960s was used as a set for many Hammer horror movies. Since then, though, security has been vastly improved and many of the graves and monuments have been rescued from further destruction. But, partly as a conscious decision and partly due to lack of funds, the Cemetery has not restored the site to its original state. Instead, restoration has focused on preserving the architecture rather than making it look like new again. As a result, walking through the Cemetery is an incredibly vivid experience. Monuments are in various stages of disrepair; brambles and ivy cover many of the graves; fallen columns litter the ground. The Cemetery is not neatly kempt and manicured. It’s sprawling, mysterious and marvelous; everything you would expect an old, magnificent graveyard to be.

The architectural highlights are the Egyptian Avenue and the Circle of Lebanon, pictures of which can be seen on this Wikipedia page. Coming upon these monuments in the grey, twilit drizzle of a winter late-afternoon in London is like stumbling on some lost Aztec temple in the jungle. Dark and overgrown by bushes and Yew trees, the Avenue looks like the entrance to some magnificent city, or perhaps the way into an unknown pyramid. At the other end of the lane is the Circle of Lebanon, a ring of mausoleums crowned with a 300-year-old cedar in the grass plot above the stones. The whole was designed with the mid-19th century fad for all things Egyptian in mind. An echo of this style can be seen in the Egyptian Room at Harrods.

Highgate Cemetery is, in the best sense of the word, a haunting place: Its beauty and serenity stay with you long after you have passed once again through the gates, back into the land of the living.

On Seeing Theirry Henry on a Billboard

I saw a billboard the other day with a big picture of Theirry Henry, the French football star, on it. He loomed over the street, arms crossed. He looked cool, aloof, determined. Next to his face were the words: I hate to lose but I am not afraid to fail. I did not notice what Henry was advertising, probably sneakers or mobile phones or credit cards or something. Yes, success comes from welcoming your failures, and your failings. Winners are no better or worse than anybody else, just a lot more persistent. Indeed, it is often defeat that provides the energy for their amazing perseverance. Josh Billings, a 19th century American humorist, was getting at something like this when he wrote:

Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there.

And there is another way we are similar to postage stamps: We only recognize our real worth after we’ve been licked.

At The Egg Museum

At a recent appearance at the Falmouth Festival of Literature and Arts, I was asked how you go about writing aphorisms. So I explained the two aphoristic writing methods I had observed: the spontaneous combustion method (inspired impromptu aphorisms scribbled on napkins, receipts or anything else that’s handy, as practiced by aphorists like Stanislaw Jerzy Lec) and the formal composition method (whittling down a much longer piece into one sparkling sentence, as practiced by aphorists like Francois Duc de la Rochefoucauld). All the aphorists I have encountered seem to practice one form or the other. But then the woman who asked the question said that she was actually asking how you (i.e. me) write aphorisms. I was a bit surprised by the question since, though I still consider myself an aspiring aphorist, I’ve spent most of my time recently writing about aphorisms rather than writing the aphorisms myself. But yesterday I had a moment of spontaneous combustion and realized a few things about the practice of aphorism composition that might suggest the beginnings of an answer to her question.

I was out running on Hampstead Heath. It was a crisp, early autumn afternoon. The trees were turning orange, the leaves already on the ground puckering up like skin that’s been too long in the bath. The sun was slung low on the horizon. I was running past a group of about five people, all standing in a row next to one another, their hands raised to their brows and squinting into the sun. As I jogged past, the following line came to me:

People tend to salute anything that is unnaturally bright, at least until the shade from their hands reveals what it really is.

As aphorisms go, this isn’t great. It’s a bit flabby, a bit too verbose, but it will serve for the purposes of this anatomy. This was a classic case of spontaneous combustion. The line came to me whole and complete. Apart from tinkering a bit with “shows what it really is” versus “reveals what it really is”, I didn’t revise or edit the sentence at all. (I went with “reveals” because of the internal rhyme with “really”.) I looked at those people and the line appeared. That was it. So the first step in the process of composition was observation: seeing something in the world that I could use as an image. Running past those five people all strung out in a line with their hands to their brows reminded me instantly of a group of soldiers standing at attention, saluting as some officer struts past. It seemed to me a really comical sight. I knew, of course, that they were just shielding their eyes against the low-slung sun to see what was going on in the park, but the military image stuck with me. And that led to the second step in the process: making the link between the image and the moral, psychological or philosophical “lesson” aphorisms contain.

So the second stage of composition involved using the image of those people as a metaphor for some other observation; in this case, a sort of psychological comment on how people tend to react to authority figures. When you’re squinting into the sun, objects can appear larger, more luminous, more impressive than they really are. I remember driving through central Spain years ago and seeing what appeared to be enormous black bulls in the distance. Through the heat waves rising from the highway, these huge silhouettes seemed magnificent and menacing. When we got closer, though, and the glare was gone, they turned out to be just raggedy old billboards in the shape of bulls advertising some kind of Spanish beer or something. The same thing often happens with famous people and authority figures: the spotlights that come with their positions make them seem intensely bright and larger than life. But when you see them in ordinary illumination, shorn of spotlights, they turn out to be far less impressive. So the second stage in the process was: making the metaphor that gives the aphorism its psychological point.

Again, I’m not making any grandiose claims about my little aphorism. It is what it is, a shard of reflected light from a brief moment of observation and inspiration. But it seems to me that this must be what happens when aphorisms are composed. Even those who practice the formal composition method must start with some sudden revelation or insight. And it’s amazing how immediately that observation becomes entwined with language. You see some image in the world and less than a nanosecond later your brain has processed it into some clever little sentence. The observation and the insight seem to arrive together, inextricably linked in the mind. For the aphorist, I think, seeing something and saying something are the same thing.