Aphorisms via the German Aphorism Contest
The moment we’ve all been waiting for has arrived! In fact, it arrived on May 15, when the names of the ten winning aphorists in the German Aphorism Association (DAphA) contest were announced at Germany’s Stadtmuseum Hattingen, home of DAphA. The German aphorism competition is the only one I know of in the world and, though it may sound like an obscure endeavor, this year the jury had to select its favorite aphorisms from more than 1,500 entries penned by more than 300 contributors from all parts of Germany as well as some neighboring countries. That is an astonishing result, and surely makes Hattingen the Cannes of aphorism competitions. For the full story, check out Jurgen Wilbert’s blog on the World Aphorism Association site. For now, here is a selection of the some of the winning sayings (and don’t forget the German Aphorism Association conference from Nov 6–8 in Hattingen):
An aphorist is not stingy with thoughts but with words. —Marita Bagdahn, Bonn
You are working on your weaknesses until they dominate you perfectly. —Helwig Brunner, Graz, Austria
Accidents happen on which the fingerprints of God are still visible. —Nikolaus Cybinski, Lörrach
In a good dialogue, half-truths will not be added together but shared. —Jacques Wirion, Luxemburg
In the long run, no one can live with just one lie; he will certainly need some more. —Wolfgang Mocker, Berlin
Who has not been held up, does not go far. —Frank Rawel, Michendorf