Aphorisms by Bo Fowler
Bo Fowler loves aphorisms; he fiddled with the form in college, penning his own sayings on transparent strips of paper and leaving them inside crusty books in the university library; and aphorisms helped him woo his wife-to-be. Fowler is also the author of the novel, Scepticism Inc. He says he “intends to write one hundred novels and then die.” All this information comes from a letter included with a copy of Notes from the Autopsy of God, a compact collection of more than 1,500 of Fowler’s fulsome and funny fulminations against faith. Fowler follows in the footsteps of antithetical, anti-theological philosophers like Nietzsche, though the potshots he takes at God are generally quite genial. Yes, life can seem quite meaningless, and there’s nowhere we go after we die, but here are some interesting things to think about in the meantime.
When we measure time we only waste it.
Thank God prayers are not answered.
What a monumental effort it would take to leave no trace at all.
We volunteer for our destinies unaware.
The normal is just the alien grown accustomed to us.
Never settle for contentment.
Believe in your doubts.