Aphorisms by Isaac David Garuda
A reader in Madrid sends news of Casitodo El Mundo Esta Chiflado: El Ingenio y Saber de Isaac David Garuda Un Pequeño, Libro Rojo Para No-Maoistas (a.k.a. Most People Are Nuts: The Wit & Wisdom of Isaac David Garuda, A Little Red Book For Non-Maoists), a small English-Spanish book of aphorisms published by Hapi Books in Manzanares El Real, Spain. October, 2010. Isaac David Garuda is new to me. Here are some of the non-Maoisms from his little red book:
A philosopher is a lover of wisdom. A sage is a philosopher who lives the wisdom that he/she loves.
The great paradox of human existence is this: On the one hand, we are 100% accountable for everything that happens, and on the other, we have no control over anything.
Religion is for people who are afraid to burn in hell. Spirituality is for people who’ve already been there, done that.
Life is like a joke. You don’t understand a joke; you either get it or you don’t.