Even More Aphorisms by Patrick Hunt
Patrick Hunt is a man of many parts: archaeologist, writer, composer, poet, art historian, aphorist; I have even seen him play the recorder with his nostrils. I wrote about his sayings back in 2008, Aphorisms by Patrick Hunt, and then again in 2014, More Aphorisms by Patrick Hunt. His collected poems 2009-2014, Landscapes Antique and Imagined, is published by Corinthian Press. He has a new play coming out, an imagined philosophical dialogue between Pascal and Voltaire at Café Procope in Paris, from which these new aphorisms come…
In order to become fully human we must die.
A butterfly appreciates flight because it began as a caterpillar.
We may see best in light but we hear best in darkness.
To find a happy person look for humility and gratitude.
Rain happens when clouds take off their clothes.
Genius is impossible without unfettered imagination.
In medieval courts, clever jesters fooled everyone into thinking they were crazy when telling terrible truths.