Aphorisms by David P. Gontar
The indefatigable aphoristic archeologist Dave Lull alerts me to selected aphorisms by David P. Gontar, adjunct professor of English and philosophy at Inner Mongolia University in China and author of Hamlet Made Simple and Other Essays. If you want to read more, Gontar’s aphorisms appear in the January 2013 issue of the New English Review. A selection:
Democracy is a brawl settled in advance by counting heads.
The rich man cannot enter the kingdom of heaven because he is already there.
A mystery is a topic about which the more is learned the less is understood.
The seekers of Truth find only each other.
To see things as they are is to see them as they might be.
A little toxin is the best tonic.
Success is not the avoidance of error but the making of the right mistakes.
In the long run there is no long run.